Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Family Matters: Literary Analysis of the Veldt and Heart of a Dog Essay

Family Matters: Literary Analysis of The Veldt and Heart of a Dog A family unit is like a fragile, expensive artifact. It can be absolutely beautiful, but it can also absolutely shatter into a million pieces if the wrong entity gets ahold of it. Sometimes, this critical entity that shatters it may be technology that has been used in the wrong ways. In both The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury, and Heart of a Dog, by Mikhail Bulgakov, the power of technology threatens to bring down the family unit as the reader commonly knows it. The technology in each book first grows the idea of family, but ultimately ends up hurting the social dynamic of the family it had hoped to expand. These books explore the problems that technology causes that were originally trying to fix them. In this way, technology helped to support these families initially, but eventually knocked them down, shattering them hopelessly into the ground. In Ray Bradbury’s The Veldt, the Hadley family wanted technology to make their lives easier, more carefree, and as a life enhancer. They made their house do everything possible to mechanize ordinary household chores. The â€Å"Happylife Home†¦clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them† (12) this indicated the attempt to create an environment that would be free of worries. The nursery, the dreamlike play place George Hadley had installed because â€Å"nothing is too good for our children† (14) was so amazing that George was â€Å"filled with admiration for the mechanical genius who had conceived this room† (15) In this sense, George was doing what he could for his family, trying to bring them closer by providing the means to a happier existence for his kids, as well as his wife. With every chore taken care of, what worries could one possibly have? As the family would eventually find out, there were quite a few problems. Very quickly did this dreamlike world filled with easiness and carefree living come crashing down on the Hadley’s. With her regular duties such as cooking and cleaning taken up by the omnipresent house, Lydia Hadley was deprived of her usual sanity she finds in her chores. She vents about her replacement as a caretaker in the family when she states, â€Å"I feel like I don’t belong here. The house is wife and mother now, and nursemaid. Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a bath and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub bath can? I cannot. † (16) While the house was designed to make Lydia’s home life much less stressful, she laments the fact that her place in the family has been overtaken by an inanimate object, and that she has lost all hope of connecting with her family. She is also not the only person whose role has changed via the house’s ‘do everything’ programming. Lydia comments on her husband’s nature by saying â€Å"You look as if you didn’t know what to do with yourself in this house, either. You smoke a little more†¦drink a little more†¦need a sedative every night. You’re beginning to feel unnecessary too. † (17) These mechanical tools that were intended to increase family bonding time by taking away chores have instead induced a sense of laziness. This was a critical step for the Hadley’s, replacing everyday work not with enriching playtime, but with sheer boredom, showing how this technology has worsened their conditions. The technology essentially replaced George and Lydia as parents and caretakers, setting the stage for a social upheaval in the family. When the nursery was left to its own devices, the kids, Peter and Wendy, grew in power, seemingly overthrowing George and Lydia, ceasing to listen to them anymore. A chilling example of this is when George threatens to turn off the house and Peter coldly states, â€Å"I don’t think you’d better consider it any more, Father. † To which George replies â€Å"I won’t have any threats from my son! † (23) This shows how the power balance has shifted from the adults to the kids. Peter turns into a cold, mean-spirited son when George keeps threatening to turn off the house, boldly proclaiming â€Å"Oh, how I hate you†¦ I wish you were dead! † (26) This is simply foreshadowing a few pages later when the kids lock George and Lydia into the nursery with the lions, to be brutally murdered. Over the course of just a short time, the reader witnesses how the technology of the house had overturned a seemingly happy family into a socially backward, messed up family. In Mikhail Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog, Philip Philippovich uses his surgical practices in order to create a family unit, which ultimately runs astray. Philippovich uses his technology on the dog Sharikov in order to transform he dog to a human and assert his dominance over this human that he creates. It is an incredible undertaking in technology that starts with a positive thought about creation, yet ends in pure misery and despair. While Preobrazhensky may not have the stereotypical family situation, it can be argued that by asserting his status as master of Sharikov, Preobrazhensky was claiming his status as a father figure for Sharikov. One such time where Sharikov calls Philipovich his dad is during a meal in which Philipovich is being very impatient with Sharikov, and Sharikov retorts, saying â€Å"You’re getting too hard on my, dad. (70) While Philipovich gets very defensive about this statement, and doesn’t want to be called a dad, the fact that Sharikov even considers this a possibility is a huge telltale sign into their social structure of the home. It is also essentially the beginning of the end for their life as a family unit. While the technology of the surgery may have led to a creation of a family dynamic between Sharikov and Preobrazhensky, however, eventually this same dynamic eventually crashes, and the same technology used to create a human being to a dog, transforms that same hu man back into a dog. This represents the dismantling of a family unit by the hands of the same technology that set it up in the first place. Philippovich has an epiphany near the end of the novel, realizing he does not need to be a creator, a father figure, when nature itself will take care of the creating. Preobrazhensky grumbles, â€Å"[The surgery] might be possible to turn a dog into a highly advanced human. But what the hell for? †¦ Doctor, the human race takes care of this by itself, and every year, in the course of its evolution, it creates dozens of outstanding geniuses who adorn the earth, stubbornly selecting them out of the mass of scum† (103). This is when he decides that the technology he has been using to create his family dynamic is essentially useless, and that the technology of the surgery only caused him more harm than good. In comparing these two books readers can see how the use of different forms of technology worked on each family unit in similar ways, leading to a destruction of family. In The Veldt, the Hadley family comes as an already established, traditional family structure, however, upon the introduction to technology seemingly falls apart at the seams. This is contrasted to the Heart of a Dog, where the definition of family is slightly different. In this book, the reader can see how technology singlehandedly create and then pull apart a family structure, effectively showing the immense power that this technology has. In each book, however, we can see the huge difference that this technology makes on the family. The Veldt has a murderous ending which can be solely attributed to the new technological advances of the nursery. The Heart of a Dog displays a harsh yet familial father-son relationship that breaks down with the misuse of the powerful technology that created it. Through these two novels the reader discovers how technology, when misused, can cause the serious destruction of family. Both Bradbury and Bulgakov challenge the notion that technology is always progressive in nature, and instead offer an alternative, showing how technology can instead break and crumble an important social institution. Both stories can be looked at as at one point incredible artifacts which, via the mistaken power of technology, collapsed onto themselves and shattered into mess.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Books obsolete Essay

From the beginning of time paper books have been the soul means of historical documentation and the recording of stories, as to be passed down through the generations. With the new technology know as kindles, e-books, etc. the needs of paper books has drastically decreased. When it comes to storage, convenience, and quality, e-books will be giving paper books a run for their money. Here are the pros and cons of tablets vs. paper books and what might be more preferred in the later years to come. All readers know how much space books take up. They are under the bed, in the drawers of dressers, shelves filled to the brim with all kinds of stories waiting to be read. The inconvenience of needing a place to store all the books is the tricking situation. Unless the house has multiple floors with to many rooms to count, all these books are consuming valuable space. Without a personal librarian, finding certain books could be a lot harder then say having it on your tablet, looking up the name and its there in less then five seconds. This brings up the issue of finding certain books to buy through the e-book system. Not all books are available electronically, only the â€Å"popular†, newer books have come out as e-books. A reader cannot browse e-book store like a half-price-books, and none of the books will cost less then ten dollars. For those customers who enjoy clearance books, e-books will not go over smoothly if printed books stop being produced. Another aspect though, how convenient is it to order the book and as soon as its paid for you can start reading? No need to leave the house! On a rainy day this would not be argued against. Even renting a book is more convenient because there will be no lines to wait in or over due books, because one could not get to the library after work. Another point is lending a book to a friend, are one going to lend his or hers three hundred dollar tablet to someone who may have it for n amount of days? Books are meant for sharing information, and for opening other people’s eyes to different concepts. Children, as an example, like picture books being read aloud to them before bedtime, sure there colored tablets now a days but what if the picture is  spread across two pages? The entire allusion would not make sense without the whole imagery meant to explain what may be happening. Printed books can be read outside on a sunny day, maybe while floating in a pool. True, books are not waterproof but they are not electronics either. Highlighting, side notes, comments can be made; research is easier with a printed book. Flipping through pages, having several books open when doing research is more productive. With e-books one must go page by page to find information of only one book at a time. They get a glare when reading outdoors even when cloudy, and would never dream of having them by water. Even though e-books are said to be more portable then books, what is the difference if only one book is being brought? Yes, the e-book may be lighter but printed books are not necessarily heavy. Then come the issue of textbooks, which are usually heavy, but have many examples for the text they contain. Without the picture there to show you a visual, how does the rader know they are getting all the fundamental learning agents? Eyestrain is proven to be more common when involving computers then print on paper. In a dark room it is better to have a book light shining on the page then a screen bright with words on it. â€Å"Eyestrain occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, such as driving a car for extended periods, reading or working at a computer†(mayoclinic. com). Reading it a lit room from print is a lot better then reading from a screen. One the other hand when it comes to reading the small print can be just as annoying. The e-book can make the text bigger for who may have bad eyesight. No magnifying glasses necessary for e-book users. When looking at the evolution of technology, certain products become outdated very quickly. As electronics become more advanced and are consistently being updated it may not be best to buy e-books because sooner or later the programs will only be met for the newest and most advanced technology out there. E-books have already been rapidly changing with the new things you can use them for. Tablets are now not only use for reading but for games, browsing the web, navigation, it’s becoming a bigger version of a smartphone without the calling aspect involved in it. So individuals will not just be buying it for reading purposes, which will end up as a minuscule â€Å"perk† of buying a tablet. However, all technology is not meant to last forever, they do have an expiration date in a sense, because the producers want individuals to buy another one when its eventually stops working as well as it did once. With printed books, as long as the owner maintains the condition of the item, could last many more years then a tablet. At the end of the day, the question of books becoming obsolete due to the creation of electronic books is not likely. Sure, e-books are useful and handy to have but, will never surpass the simplicity of reading a printed book. Paper books are more reliable then computer files; they do not â€Å"crash† and loose information. E-book tablets are becoming less and less meant for buying books and more used for entertainment purposes. As long as there are the individuals that enjoys holding the book in their hands, paper books will never cease to exist.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Exeter Story's Organizational Structure Term Paper

The Exeter Story's Organizational Structure - Term Paper Example The Exeter has a new manager, he wants to have full control on every aspect of the company, He wants to have a major revamped on what requires renewing in the organization but it also has a great impact to the whole company and its operation (Fowler, 2005). A major change is a right phrase here, and change is not as simple as it is perceived and not a slice of cake. When a company is undergoing change, different aspects of the organization are turned around and things are not done like before.            Having power absolutely gives complete control. The relationships between the superior and the employees come into the picture. At the same time, getting rid of company employees just to have full control of the company is unethical (Heene and Sanchex, 1997). Then, moral values come in. Getting rid of the Finance staff and the HR staff would result to chaos in the organization since there are people engaged in the decision that they might lose their job. The employees are working hard before the General Manager entered the company, this would create criticisms.   The new General Manager would also like to focus on the conventional organizational structure that would limit free communication among the management and employees rather than motivating.          Thus, in view of all the actions of the new managers need proper analysis and considerations especially regarding ethics and moral values in order to In this paper the author demonstrates how to avoid company loss, creating a firm organization wherein employees can work freely, equally delegated workload, smooth operation and harmonious work relationship among employees. Injustice to everyone in the company, each of the employees and their tasks should be examined and investigated who among that are doing their job well.   This would be hassle-free for the new General Manager to identify who goes and who stays (Mclagan, 2002). That way, there will be no chaos. This would be the time wherein the finance employees and the HR employees would merge with another department so they would not lose their job.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Research into Teaching Language to Apes Always Attracts Curiosity and Essay

Research into Teaching Language to Apes Always Attracts Curiosity and Attention - Essay Example Still our apes did not talk, but the belief that they could understand and communicate ensured that other methods were employed to test and confirm that belief. So American Sign Language, coloured plastic shapes as symbols for words, and specially designed computer keyboards were all tools utilized to research, teach and bring about the acquisition of linguistic skills. And to some extent, they all worked. The study of Kanzi, a bonobos (called a pygmy chimpanzee), who was never actually trained to use anything, but merely observed his adoptive mother in the laboratory for two years, provides us with good insight as to one way in which a child's linguistic abilities develop. The mother received the training, with words, signs and keyboard, but was unable to respond. She was returned to the Yerkes Primate Center and Kanzi stayed around the laboratory. Within a week, he was using the keyboard, and later putting together two and three-word sentences. He had learned by observation, and his understanding of language, when tested alongside that of a little girl of similar age (two and one half years), was found to be similar to hers. The important factors identified here for both ape and child wou

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Great Gatsby Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

The Great Gatsby - Essay Example This depiction of the stereotypical women roles is especially true in the 1920’s setting of the novel. In the narration of the story, though it is accurate that the males are the central characters, the women serve to help shape them and make the audience appreciate who they are and why they are such. These women, for the most part, appear like they have no control over their lives and that it is the men who give directions and make the decisions. But all of them are gullible to their relationships. Toward the end nobody knows who is playing who. The women seem like tragic characters but the reader does not always feel for them because a lot of it is their fault. The plot becomes interesting as it revolves around the women and how they serve as the anchor of the events. Daisy Buchanan is the central character that binds the whole thing together. She is perhaps the very reason for the creation of Jay Gatsby, a worldly man created by James Gatz to impress her and sweep her off her feet. From their romantic encounter years earlier, Gatz fell in love with Daisy and created an idea of her he could not let go. Daisy’s marriage to Tom Buchanan started off unusually with the latter’s display of wealth and the pearls which she had privately refused saying â€Å"Tell ‘em all Daisy’s change’ her mine. Say ‘Daisy’s change’ her mine!’† (Fitzgerald 83) but thereafter wore as if nothing happened. From the early days of their marriage Tom’s infidelity was already obvious with a chambermaid in his car during an accident just right after their honeymoon. After marriage, Daisy had become a notorious socialite together with her rich husband. â€Å"They moved with a fast crowd, all of them youn g and rich and wild, but she came out with an absolutely perfect reputation† (ibid 84). Myrtle Wilson lives an equally miserable married life comparable to Daisy’s

Criminal Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Criminal Law - Case Study Example In order to be able to advise Peeta, it is necessary to discuss the possible charges that might be brought against him and then examine any possible defenses. The starting point is to consider the necessary men's rea and actus reus of the offense of murder to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to charge Peeta with murder. From this, it will be necessary to consider the available defenses such as provocation, diminished responsibility, and automatism. It should then be possible to advise Peeta on the likelihood of the murder charge being reduced to manslaughter. When establishing a charge for murder the prosecution has to show that the defendant intended to kill the victim or to cause them serious bodily harm. The courts have accepted that the defendant has the necessary intention Where a person of sound mind and discretion, unlawfully kills any reasonable creature in being under the Queens Peace with intent to kill or cause grievous bodily harm. (Archbold: 19-1, 2008). R v Moloney [1985] and R v Woollin [1998] have removed the need to prove the malice aforethought element of the offense. There is no longer a need to prove premeditation and charges for murder have been accepted where the prosecution can prove that the defendant intended to cause serious harm to the victim. In determining the guilt of the accused, juries are generally instructed to consider the foresight of the accused on the basis of what the accused ought to have foreseen not what they actual foresaw as a result of their actions.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cry, the Beloved Country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cry, the Beloved Country - Essay Example The novel’s setting is in South Africa. This article will review a clear plot of the novel by including some short text quotes. The essay will also discuss some of the themes portrayed by the main character in the novel. The novel was published before the apartheid system was implemented in South Africa. Basing on the book, one can tell that the village dwellers led a desolate life. The setting of the story is in South Africa where the main themes of the book are presented. Paton portrays the book as a social gripe against the societal structures that later led to the rise of apartheid (Paton 1). In his view, he tries to establish a purposeful analysis of what is entailed in the black society. According to his judgment, the black society endured from moral concerns and social volatility while, on the other hand, the whites were affected by native crime. These factors were influenced by the breakdown of the tribal organization, crime and migration of individuals to urban center s (Paton 1). The book’s chronicles reveal Paton’s message through themes like reconciliation, inequality, injustice and Christianity. Paton clearly reveals how reconciliation between members of a family is of vitality in reuniting the family members. On the one hand, inequity and injustice are based on the same category whereby, these issues are prevalent in the setting of the book. Paton presents the village life as desolate since the local government was not funding community projects in the area. In essence, the whites had brought tragedy to their homeland. Paton states â€Å"The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that they are not mended again. The white man has broken the tribe† (Paton 23). This was a revelation of how tragic the whites had turned out to be even in countries inhabited by the Africans. In addition, Paton also features on the detrimental effects of the characters fear in relation with the South African society. He presents the fear in his characters in chapter 12 where he says, â€Å"For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much†. Even though fear is prevalent in this society, some characters were able to overcome it through their abilities. The portrayal of Stephen Kumalo in the novel depicts his courageous nature while facing worldly challenges. This can be established from his search of Gertrude; his immoral sister, and his son who was involved in murder and other shameful acts in the city of Johannesburg. The book presents this as a journey for Stephen when Paton writes â€Å"The journey had begun. And now the fear back again, the fear of the unknown, the fear of the great city where boys were killed crossing the street, the fear of Gertrude’s sickness† (Paton 13). The narrator shows the Christian religion in the novel as a significant theme that was incorporated in the strangles of injustice. This reveals quite a vital lesson to readers in general. The presentation of Chr istianity in the setting of this publication was unjust and also resulted from the invasion of the whites in the country. Even though the religion factor helped characters like Stephen to face tremendous hardships, the religious world was incorporated in unjust ways. Paton is quick to reveal the unjust acts involved in Christianity. He notes that the black priests were paid less wages as compared to whites. This reveals that even though the white priests were living luxurious lives, they were rooted in injustice. These acts had placed the needy community in the wrong leadership hands. In

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Importing US food Risk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Importing US food Risk - Research Paper Example In 2008, there were some reported cases where cats and dogs were stricken by tainted pet food while people died from contaminations in certain drugs. In both incidents, the ingredients were found to have been imported from China (In Curtis, 2013).   In response to this, the Public Health Security through the Bioterrorism act directs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take additional measures to protect the public from all terrorist attacks on food supply and all other food related emergencies. FDA is the food regulatory agency of the department of Health and Human Services and has the mandate to receive prior notification of food that is imported, including animal feed, in the United States. Prior notice of import shipments give chance to the FDA, through the support of the U.S Custom and Border Protection to focus on import inspections with much effectiveness and help protect the state’s food supply against acts of terror and all other public health emergencies. The FDA food safety act was signed in 2011 with aims to ensure that the U.S food supply is safe by directing the focus of the federal regulations from taking action on contamination to prevent it (Kastner, 2011).   The FDA signed a regulation that required all persons to submit prior notices of imported food. Close to fifty million people get sick while three thousand die each year from food borne diseases. This is according to a data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This was mentioned as a public health burden which is largely preventable. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act enables the FDA to strengthen the systems of food safety by giving them new authorities and tools to make all new imported foods meet the same safety standards as those produced in the U.S. However, building a new system of food safety beside on prevention would take time. FDA focuses on implementing the safety acts with open grounds for all stakeholders to give their contribution. T he FDA has therefore some laid down responsibilities and authorities which are aimed at improving food safety in the United States. The FDA’s new import mandates and authorities include the following (Hinkelman and Ebrary, 2004); Import accountability. During the first time, the importers have an explicit mandate to verify that their suppliers have sufficient preventive controls to make sure that the food they produce is safe. Third party certification: The FDA Food Safety Modernization (FSMA) initiates program through which third parties can verify that foreign food capacities comply with the U.S food safety standards. The certification is very significant in facilitating the entry of imports (Zaring et al., 2009). Cortication for high risk foods: as a condition of entry into America, FDA can authorize that the high-risk imported foods be accompanied by a trustworthy third party certification or with an assurance of compliance. Voluntary qualified importer program: a volunta ry program must be established for the importers. This would provide for the expedited entry and review of foods from importers. Entitlement is limited to importers who offer food from certified facilities. Authority to deny entry: foods from a foreign facility can be denied entry into the U.S by FDA. FDA has also a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Is Ham correct that the connection between science and naturalism is Movie Review

Is Ham correct that the connection between science and naturalism is 'arbitrary' - Movie Review Example Ham promotes the view that evolutionists are at fault because they outlaw what is supernatural and beyond explanation. They claim that anything which cannot be proven by science is unbelievable. This is how they deny the presence of supernaturalism in this world. There are many supernatural causes which cannot be explained by science, but that does not mean they are not real. Science rules out supernatural causes because it is a field which nurtures on the food of observations. However, anything not observable like historical science should be separated from the science that is observable. How can Billy Nye claim that the earth is 4.5 billion years old without being present through the course of billions of years to observe one species evolve from another? This suggests that speculation forms the bedrock of evolution which is quite ironical since Nye seems to champion the importance of observations and science. Ham’s belief that the connection between science and naturalism is arbitrary also seems to be supported by Ziman (1968) who argued that science should be distinguished from pseudoscience. Scientific method is based on observations and that makes science, but pseudoscience is only a collection of beliefs and speculations thought to be based on scientific method. Thagard (1978) also argues that science should be separated from pseudoscience. There is a wide popularity of pseudoscience presently which should be condemned. The relationship between science and naturalism is also man-made or arbitrary because confirmations for any theory or philosophy can be found anywhere. This means that the relationship between science and naturalism is not based on some concrete system, rather it is arbitrary. â€Å"It is easy to obtain confirmations, or verifications, for nearly every theory† (Popper 1957). Both Ham and Nye have worked for years to make the complex subject of origins understandable to the world. However, despite

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

World Heritage Sites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

World Heritage Sites - Essay Example In most cases the places that have been highlighted as world heritage sites usually have a special physical appearance or culture that is associated with it. The places are usually designated as those that have a special significance to humanity. The selection process of these places is usually a rather complicated one majorly due to the fact that there are several places that may all be proposed for inscription as a world heritage site. The body that elects those sites that are to be listed as the world heritage sites is the United Nations General Assembly. At the same time the list of all the heritage sites of the world is maintained by the International World Heritage Programme which is under the UNESCO. There are certain special conditions under which these sites may receive funds say for maintenance and upgrade from the World Heritage Fund kitty. There are certain countries that have had the chance to have several sites listed. An perfect example in this case happens to be Italy . It is to be noted that the country has close to 47 sites that have been inscribed as world heritage sites.... It is to be appreciated that as a result of the world heritage sites program there are some countries that have benefitted tremendously as a result of this .The main reason for this is because these sites automatically become tourist sites. Over the years these sites have always attracted large numbers of people who are marveled by the features they entail or at the same time there are those that visit the sites with the intention of getting to know more about them. The nomination process that has been set forth is quite a rigorous one especially for the country that wants some of its sites to be listed therein. For starters the country in question must first take an inventory of all its natural properties and cultures which it perceives to be of importance. In actual sense this is called coming up with the Tentative List. After this is done then the nomination process begins. It is to be noted that a country is not supposed to nominate a site or culture that is not in the Tentative List. After this is done those sites that have been selected are then to be placed in the Nomination File. After this is done there are bodies that evaluate the file and make their recommendations to the World Heritage Committee. These bodies include the World Conservation Union and The International Council of Monuments and Sites. The Heritage committee then meets once a year and this is the time when it makes the decision of whether to inscribe particular sites or not. Preservation and Development It may be asked that who owns the site once it has been inscribed as a world heritage site. In actual sense it is the property of the country that it is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Why the early European Settlers viewed the “Indians” as Savages Essay Example for Free

Why the early European Settlers viewed the â€Å"Indians† as Savages Essay Like just about any people, the European settlers who first came to the Americas were ethnocentric and gain-driven. When they came to the Americas looking for riches and land, they encountered the indigenous people, whose ways were vastly different from the Europeans. These â€Å"Indians† were an apparently backward people, relying on apparently â€Å"primitive† methods to get things done, without the benefit of what the Europeans viewed as their superior technology and science. To the European settlers, people were savages if they did not have the European level of scientific and technological sophistication. The Indians lived in flimsy homes and used simple tools, which the Europeans saw as inferior. Since the Indians did not possess advanced technologies, the Europeans speculated that they were probably of inferior minds. The notion that the Indians were savages was almost immediately generalized among the white population The European settlers acknowledged that the Indians were human beings, but ethnocentric attitudes and concerns over power—both political and economic—led to the treatment of the Indians as an inferior people. Thus the native people of the Americas were viewed as savages. Added to this was the fact that the Indians were not of the â€Å"white† race, which further condemned them to a socially, politically, and economically inferior status. There was a backlash of sorts against this attitude towards American Indians. The notion of the â€Å"noble savage† surfaced. The noble savage was supposed to be a â€Å"superior† person, one uncorrupted by the evils of civilization, one who was healthy and in harmony with nature. However, instead of raising the status of Indians, this new conception of Indians was condescending and merely further entrenched the idea of Indians as â€Å"savages. † Ultimately, the â€Å"savagery† that Europeans saw in the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas was founded on a perceived difference between the European and Indian societies, and depended most of all on the ignorance and ethnocentrism of the settlers.

Japanese foreign aid Essay Example for Free

Japanese foreign aid Essay Japan was the highest donor country in the mid 1990s. The rise to this status was gradual, spanning over 40 years. What began as a compulsion as an after effect of the Second World War, became an important tool of the foreign policy of Japan. It was under the US pressure that Japan began giving financial aid to the poorer countries. The amount kept on rising, to reach its peak in mid 90s. This was followed by a steep decline in the total amount disbursed as foreign aid. The decline was very steep. There may have been many reasons that can be attributed to the cause of this decline. However, one of the main reasons was the increasing fiscal deficit in its own budget. The economy of Japan, did not maintain as picture as rosy as it was during the mid 90s. In this context, the following two visuals are worth looking at. Figure 1. Japanese foreign aid (Cooray N. S. and Shahiduzzaman Mohd. , table 2, page 8) Fig. 2 Fiscal situation of Japan (current Japanese fiscal condition ) These charts indicate that the fiscal situation of Japan has been deteriorating since the mid 90s, at a constant rate. The issuance of deficit bonds, has been comparatively much higher than in any of the earlier years. A direct implication of this fact is that the government has been requiring more and more money to cover up its fiscal deficit. This amount is raised by issuing bonds. This condition has compelled Japan to reduce the foreign aid every successive year. No sooner Japan reached its position as the highest donor, it has been losing its position. The rapid downfall of Japan as a donor country is indeed a interesting study, and the fact that there is hardly any research done on the effect of fiscal position on the foreign aid, makes this topic even more interesting. This paper intends to make an in depth study of the fiscal situation which compelled Japan to reduce its foreign aid. It analyzes the major governing factors of the economy of Japan since the late 90s. The quickness with which Japan lost its status as the highest donor, is bound to be a good case study for other donor countries also. This study reveals that Japan has a glorious economic past. Despite the aftermath of the World War II, it had a sound economy witnessing a GDP growth nearing to 15% in the 50s, 60s and 70s. This enabled a freehand distribution of foreign aid. However, the sorry state of fiscal affairs of Japan, have compelled her to lost its status as the highest donor country. This paper in the first section briefly looks into a research paper on this subject. It tells about the history of Japanese foreign aid and discusses few important characteristics of Japanese aid. This includes the features of aid, the shift in policies and the central importance of China as a top priority receiving nation, of this aid. In the second section, details about how the fiscal situation of Japan has affected the reduction in foreign aid will be demonstrated. The third and the final section will deal with an analysis of the study. History and Characteristics Japanese foreign aid A research paper published by Marie Soderberg, associate professor, at Stockholm school of Economics, provides a good insight into the various aspects of Japanese foreign aid. The history of Japanese foreign aid begins in the 1950s as a result of war reparations agreement with Burma, Philippines and Indonesia were signed. This agreement and the subsequent aid granted by the Exim Bank were tied up with purchase from Japanese firms and very well served the interests of Japan. So far, Asian countries were the major recipients of the Japanese aid. The oil crisis of the 70s, saw the Arab nations also getting a fair share of the foreign aid from Japan. The late 1970s saw a huge rise in the foreign aid amount of Japan. This was partially a result of Japan’s wish to be respected by the international community.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Relationship Between Exports and Trade

Relationship Between Exports and Trade Methodology Empirical Strategy The primary objective of this paper is to determine whether there is a main difference in the causal relationship between exports and trade finance among two groups of countries classified based on their financial systems; bank-based and market-based. As outlined in the literature review section, there are contradicting empirical and theoretical evidence on the impact of trade finance on exports and thus, the secondary objectives are first to determine the significance of this impact using my own proxy for trade finance and then, to capture the effect of the financial crisis on this causal link between exports and trade finance. Data Sources and Measurement Technique Annual data for 19 countries ranging in the period 2001 to 2011 have been used for the empirical analysis of this paper. All data used for the 10 annual observations for these countries were obtained from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators. The estimation technique in this paper generally follows the model used by Liston and McNeil (2013) but contains several modifications and extensions due to unavailability of data and different objective. They constructed both an export volume equation and an import volume equation to analyze international trade. The common variables included in both equations are real exports (exportst,j), real imports (importst,j), real gross domestic product which is equivalent to real gross national income (GNIt,j) , export demand (EXDEMt,j), real effective exchange rates (REERt,j), trade finance (FINt.j) and a dummy variable (Dcrisis) that takes a value of 0 from the period starting 2000 to 2007 and zero otherwise. Additionally, there are other dummy variables which classified countries based on their financial systems and they are structure size dummy (DUMMY1t,j) and structure activity dummy (DUMMY2t,j). Structure size dummy takes a value of 1 for countries with higher means ratio of market cap to bank credit as compared to structure activity variable which takes a value of 1 for countries with higher means ratio of value of shares traded to bank credit and 0 otherwise. Real exports and real imports are measured in constant 2005 U.S dollars and as for export demand, it represents market share. In this paper, the proxy for export demand differs from that of Liston and McNeil (2013) due to model modification and instead, the ratio of individual country’s export to world exports is used to represent market share as opposed to the ratio of the sum of imports to the sum of exports. Similarly, the proxy for trade finance is different in this paper due to data unavailability. Nevertheless, short-term net flows on external debt are instead used as the proxy for trade finance. Short-term net flows on external debt represent net lending received by the borrower during the year where the maturity of the debt is one year or less. The rationale behind using this proxy for trade finance is that trade finance is basically a short term debt used to carry on trade and hence, an increase in trade finance should be reflected in an increase in the proxy used. Mo reover, due to unavailability of data for real domestic product, it is substituted by gross national income and in theory, they should be equivalent. The last discrepancy from the paper of Liston and McNeill (2013) is that as a substitute for real exchange rate, real effective exchange rate index is used in this paper where 2005=100 for the index and REERi,j is included to account for relative prices between countries. Empirical Model To investigate whether financial system and trade finance affect trade flows, panel data models are estimated. The models consist of 16 countries which most of them are developing or under-developed countries. Interestingly, empirical studies such as Liston and McNeil (2013) demonstrated that countries with lower level of financial development give a higher importance to trade finance compared to developed countries and hence, the relationship between trade finance and exports should be high in this paper. The export volume specification is described as: Log(exportst,j),= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(EXDEMt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + ÃŽ ±4FINt.j* DUMMY1t,j + ÃŽ ±5FINt.j* DUMMY2t,j + ÃŽ ±6FINt.j* DUMMY3t,J + Â µt,j (1) Where exportst,j are real exports for the jth country at time t, EXDEMt,j represents export demand, REERt,j is the real effective exchange rate index, FINt,j is the trade finance proxy, DUMMYt captures effects of the financial crisis as it is 1 for the years 2008 and onwards and 0 otherwise and DUMMY1t,j, DUMMY2t,j and DUMMY3t,j represent the classification of countries into 2 groups by financial system upon structure size, structure activity and financial structure respectively. As for import volume specification, it is arranged as: Log(importst,j)= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(GDIt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + ÃŽ ±4FINt.j* DUMMY1t,j + ÃŽ ±5FINt.j* DUMMY2t,j + ÃŽ ±6FINt.j* DUMMY3t,J + vt,j (2) Where importst,j are real imports for the jth country at time t and GNIt,j is the real gross domestic income for the jth country. All other variables are the same as that in the export volume specification. Expected Signs of Variables All the variables included are expected to have some impact on international trade and the expected effect of these variables on exports and imports are given in table 1. Table 1. Overview of expected effects of variables used on exports and imports Variables Expected effects on Exports Expected effects on Imports Export demand positive Real Effective Exchange Rate negative positive Trade Finance positive positive Gross Domestic Income positive As export demand in this paper represents exports market share, an increase in export demand should also generate an increase in exports. Real effective exchange should have a negative impact on exports and a positive impact on imports respectively because when a country’s currency strengthen, its exports become less competitive whereas its price of imports become cheaper and imports tend to increase. Moreover, an increase in trade finance should have a positive effect on both exports and imports. Trade finance is used to fund firms for them to be able to continue exports and imports also should increase due to the imports of raw materials used for exports. Also, as gross domestic income increases, demand for foreign goods increases and thus, imports are also expected to increase. Estimation Technique Both equations (1) and (2) are estimated first by their base models to analyze the common explanatory variables for export and import volumes. In the export volume equation, the base model includes export demand (EXDEM) and real effective exchange rate (REER) whereas in the import volume equation, instead of including export demand (EXDEM), real gross domestic income (GNI) is included. Then the base models are extended by including the proxy for trade finance (FIN). Log(exportst,j),= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(EXDEMt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + Â µt,j (3) Log(importst,j)= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(GDIt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + vt,j (4) Equations 5 and 6 are then extended by adding dummy variables which represent financial system of a country. The dummy variable takes the value of 1 when a country is classified as market based and 0 otherwise. Separately, they are interacted with proxy for trade finance which will enable the analysis of whether between market and bank based economies are more dependent on trade finance or there is no difference at all. Log(exportst,j),= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(EXDEMt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + ÃŽ ±4FINt.j* DUMMY1t,j + ÃŽ ±5FINt.j* DUMMY2t,j+ Â µt,j (5) Log(importst,j)= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(GDIt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + ÃŽ ±4FINt.j* DUMMY1t,j + ÃŽ ±5FINt.j* DUMMY2t,j + vt,j (6) Finally, equations 5-8 are enhanced to include a dummy variable Dcrisis which captures the effect of the financial crisis and which takes the value of 1 for the period 2008 to 2011 and 0 for the period of 2000 to 2007. By adding this structural break, during the crisis, it is expected that exports will be more reliant on trade finance in general due to turmoil in financial markets and the presence of a liquidity crunch. Additionally, whether how this affected the analysis made from the interactions of the dummy variables in equation 5 and 6 needs to be tested and analyzed. The results of the panel data regression and its analysis are provided in the next section. Log(exportst,j),= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(EXDEMt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + Dcrisis + Â µt,j (7) Log(importst,j)= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(GDIt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + Dcrisis + vt,j (8) Log(exportst,j),= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(EXDEMt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + ÃŽ ±4FINt.j* DUMMY1t,j + ÃŽ ±5FINt.j* DUMMY2t,j + Dcrisis + Â µt,j (9) Log(importst,j)= ÃŽ ±0 + ÃŽ ±1log(GDIt,j) + ÃŽ ±2 REERt,j + ÃŽ ±3 FINt.j + ÃŽ ±4FINt.j* DUMMY1t,j + ÃŽ ±5FINt.j* DUMMY2t,j + Dcrisis + vt,j (10)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Begotten :: essays research papers

Emily Heiderberg never imagined anything bad would happen to her. In the novel, Begotten by W. James Richardson, she will learn to be forgiving and she teaches the people around her the same thing. There are many stories involved and they all started with the tragic incident that happened to Emily when she was at a family outing. An unforseen incident that would change the lives of the Heiderberg family, as well as the whole town of Detroit. Certainly this book is written for adults. The authour uses profanity and racial remarks, but it is necessary to tell the story in that manner. The bad language used by the characters shows their hate and anger, but also shows that some are willing to change their ways. Richardson's method of writing is kind of hard to comprehend at first. Every chapter would start off with a new character narrarating their story. You don't know who it is until a few sentences later. The chapter starts with a character, but some chapters would have two or three nararators with a couple paragraphs each character. Sometimes it would be confusing, but once I found out who was talking, I would sometimes have to reread the paragraph from the start to understand the situatiuon. Another thing that bothered, maybe it wasn't the authour's fault, was that many quotation marks were misplaced all over the book. the first few were tolerable, but after a while it got annoying. That bothered me much and like I said, I'm not sure if it was the author or the publisher. I don't really like the style, but it's what the author used to get many stories into one. One of the many stories in the book involves Emily Heiderberg. Misbegotten means unlawfully conceived, so it wouldn't be right to say that Emily is an important character in this book. Emily is a teenage girl with a bright future, but the things that happen to her dims that future. During the book she tries to overcome her fears and to become herself again. Her rape causes all certain problems to arise. Another character that is important is Hugo Heiderberg. He grew up hating all people that weren't with the idea of whites being the supreme race. He is retired Detroit police officer and a member of the Euro-Brothers Defense Society. He was part of the "Dirty Dozen", a groups of cops that were on trial for beating a black man.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Desertification :: essays research papers

Essay: What is desertification, where is it found, and what are the causes? Desertification is the process by which land dries up eventually over time and the land turning to desert. This is common in Africa where most of the terrain is a desert. It is believed that the Sahara desert was once fertile ground but now it is dried up. Sand as far as the eye can see and very little rainfall occurs in this region. About 2500 B.C., the climate of the Sahara changed. Africa was once a fertile plain but where the Sahara lies was once a fertile plain capable of harvesting foods nearly anytime of year due to the warm weather. But it slowly dried up. As the land became parched, the desert spread. The process of desertification devours thousands of acres of cropland and pastureland each year. As the region dried the people retreated. With no water and little food the land became inhabitable. Most people migrated south towards the marshlands and the savannah. It is believed on of the causes of the Sahara is due to over harvesting of crops. It is believed that the Paleolithic people had learned how to cultivate in the Nile valley then spread out and established permanent villages. Archeologist say quite a few of the villages existed on the Sahara. Due to the farming over many years the land dried up due to the lack of minerals and lack of water. The Bantu is what is believed to be the remnants of those who use to farm in the Sahara region. And archeologists have been able to track their migration by studying their language patterns. The Bantu were originally nomadic herders who traveled throughout Africa caring for their flock.

Letters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Jane Austen Prid

Letters play a very important role in ‘Pride and Prejudice’. They can tie the story together because letters provide information which we would not have found out from the dialogue between the characters. We can also find out extra background information which can help with the reader’s understanding of characters, the plot and the novel in general. Letters can reveal character’s personalities and how they feel about the other characters in the novel, for example Miss Bingley’s feelings about Jane. Letters are used as a dramatic device in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to further the plot, link the story and to inform the readers of the character’s personalities. Letters are also an extremely important part of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ because at the time when the novel was written, letters were the only way of communicating other than through word of mouth. Letters can be used to deliver good and bad news at any time. They did not have telephones so a letter would be the most appropriate way of keeping touch with friends and family. Jane and Elizabeth are two of the main characters in the novel and they write to each other frequently during their visits away from each other. The sisters share some parts of their personalities. Both are caring, loving and considerate towards other people, but Jane is extremely loving and she does not want to judge any of the other characters in the novel before she has heard the entire story. This is because she does not want to think badly of anyone. We know this from Jane’s letter to Elizabeth regarding the actions of Miss Bingley and Miss Hurst in London. ‘If I were not afraid of judging harshly, I should be almost tempted to say, that there is a strong appearance of duplicity in all thi... ...Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Norwalk: The Easton Press, 2008. Internet Sources Consulted "Psychological Growth in Pride and Prejudice | MSS Research." MSS Research. MSS Research, n.d. Web. 02 May 2015. Marcus, Mordecai. â€Å"A Major Thematic Pattern in Pride and Prejudice.† Nineteenth-Century Fiction 16.2 (Dec. 1961): 274-279. JSTOR. Web. 02 May 2015. Stovel, Bruce. ‘A Contrariety of Emotion’: Jane Austen’s Ambivalent Lovers in Pride and Prejudice.† The International Fiction Review 14.1 (Winter 1987): 27-33. Literature Resource Center. Web. 02 May 2015. Weinsheimer, Joel. â€Å"Change and the Hierarchy of Marriages in Pride and Prejudice.† ELH 39.3 (Sept. 1972): 404-419. JSTOR. Web. 02 May 2015. Wiesenfarth, Joseph. â€Å"The Case of Pride and Prejudice.† Studies in the Novel 16.3 (Fall 1984): 261–73. Literature Resource Center. Web. 02 May 2015.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why We Don’t Listen Better

Practical Book Review One: James C. Petersen, D. Min. _________________ Presented to Rev. Mario Garcia, Jr. , Ph. D. , J. D. Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA __________________ In Partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the course PACO 500 Introduction to Pastoral Counseling ________________________ By Odell Joiner November, 2011 Hey Petersen, James C. 2007. Why don’t we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships. Tigard, OR: Petersen Publications. â€Å"I observed that while other avoided grumpy people, all I had to do to reduce their grump-factor was to ask questions and let them tell me their stories. .. I also found that after I paid enough attention to their personal and political tirades, they became receptive to me too. † (5) The above excerpt from Dr. Peterson's book, Why don’t we listen better? could be consider as the premise or purpose for his writing. Learning how to listen, digest what the other person is artic ulating, â€Å"putting yourself in their shoes† (understanding), and providing valuable input is his primary objective. At the very onset of Dr. Peterson's book, he use an illustration that gains the attention of the perspective reader. He recall an early experience, perhaps one of his first encounters as a young pastor counseling a couple. As he explained, he had little to know experience in this arena but he did have success. Dr. Peterson attributes his success to being able to listen, understand, and offer valuable insight. The perspective reader can identify his contentment toward this book by his claims of occasionally revisiting his book as source of knowledge, and that he wants the perspective reader to utilize the book as a guide (handbook) instead of a regular book on subject matter relating to communication. Dr. Peterson sets the foundations (according to his beliefs) for effective communication and interaction with others at the beginning of the book and uses these foundations as a sort of skeletal framework for the remaining of his work: Part One : The Introduction of Dr. Peterson's â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory† (8) Part Two: The use of the Talker-Listener Card (8) Part Three: Basic Listening Techniques (8) Part Four and Five: Extended Examples using the Talker-Listening Process (8) Flat-Brain Theory: The Flat- Brain Theory (according to Dr. Peterson) takes into consideration the human body as contributing factors in the communication process: the stomach, the heart and the head. The stomach is attributed as the location of feelings. â€Å"Healthy heart functions give and receive concerns†¦ † (12) The heart â€Å"put† everything together and the â€Å"options and possibilities†. (12) And finally, the head functions as the source for rationalization of information. Talker-Listening Process: The Talker-Listening Process establishes the roles in the communication process. The â€Å"talker† is attributed as the â€Å"owner of the problem† and the â€Å"listener† role is understand and allow the â€Å"talker† to share their feelings and thoughts. Additionally, Dr. Peterson provides â€Å"Talker-Listener Cards† (TLC) which outlines and reminds each other (talker and listener) of their responsibilities within the communication process. After the foundations of â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory† and the Talker- Listener Process is established and thoroughly explained, Dr. Peterson â€Å"shifts gears† into a more practical communication methods. Dr. Peterson provides insightful guides and suggestions for the reader to employ in their effective communication practices. The perspective reader evaluate and use the methods outline in his book to develop their own effective communication strategies and concepts regarding counseling others. You After reading Dr. Peterson's work, I was amazed and drawn to his work. I was able to enjoy his work not just as an assignment for this course, but a useful tool for future study and a teaching premise. Reading his work brought an understanding that in communication and interaction that if discovered early (in my opinion) could benefit many marriages, and other relationships. As I reflect on my personal experience, I think about the earlier years of my marriage. I could identify with Dr. Peterson's example in Chapter 3 regarding â€Å"Jack and Jill†. The only difference was that I thought if my wife would just listen to me first then I would undoubtedly solve any problem should would ever face. â€Å"After all I'm smart; I'm a good judge of character; I know how to interact and handle people; and if need be I can be very assertive. A few â€Å"short† years ago, my wife and I were visiting some of her relatives. Before we arrived, I made her agree that we would â€Å"head† back from her relative a certain time. However, I really did not consider her feelings regarding my â€Å"strict† timeline. During the visit, I would rehearse to my wife about â€Å"ou r† agreed itinerary. It did not dawn on me that I had â€Å"bullied† her into this agreement. After a week after the visit, my wife explained her feelings concerning â€Å"our† agreement and how I did not take into account her feelings. She claimed that I was using â€Å"double-standards†. At the time, I thought that my wife was just complaining and not being realistic. But reflecting upon this book, and reflecting on previous episodes regarding my communication with my wife, I could have use this book. I failed to put myself in my wife position and could have seriously damage our relationship. Look The work of Dr. Peterson highlights the importance of effective communication. Early in my life I thought that â€Å"getting† point across was the most important principle concerning communication. In using the concepts outlined in this book, I would evaluate myself as fallen prey to the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory†. The relevance of Dr. Peterson work is that it correlates Kollar's and Hawkins' work. Each illuminates the importance of the perspective counselor first understanding themselves such as knowing their strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. Before a perspective counselor can assist others, he/she must address their own personal egocentricities. A valid question that could accompany Dr. Peterson's work would be: Based upon your understanding of the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory†, do you find yourself in this particular category? If so, what are some practical approaches you could take to remedy the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory†? Understanding each component of the â€Å"Flat-Brain Theory assist in my understanding of in identifying potential prohibiting factors of communication. If I can identify the condition of my stomach (feels/emotions), my heart (processing of information) and my head (logical) , I can readily identify the condition of others that I may assist. The most impressi ve aspect of Dr. Peterson's work is that he claims that he often times refers to it. Based upon this, one is lead to believe that counseling is not an exhausted field. The pastoral counselor must take it upon himself to constantly be in a state of learning. If the counselor allows complacency set in then he loses his effectiveness. Do After reading Dr. Peterson's book, I feel encouraged and inspired to examine my own feelings and logic. I quickly realize that I must treat every potential counseling occasion as fresh and unique. I cannot enter in to any counseling session with preconceived ideas or emotions. Each person is unique so their circumstance must be unique. In my own relationship, I learned from Dr. Peterson's work is that I should not think for others. Allowing others to communicate and I listen without trying to talk for them will assist in strengthening my personal relationships. Only by being a â€Å"good† listener can I become more understanding. The 7Gift/DISC profiler identified several characteristics that I believe to be true about my personality. Such characteristics as determined and detail oriented. Although this can be good in certain aspects but it can leave those that I interact with a sense that I can be very demanding or intimidating. Understanding how I portray myself to others is critical to being a counselor. As I reflect upon my † Relational Style Action Plan†, Dr. Peterson's â€Å"Talker-Lister Process† applies. The TLC provide simple but valuable guidelines to facilitate the communication process. One of my struggles in the communication process has been that I would look for indicators in the process. I would sometime assume incorrectly what they were trying to portray. The TLC will assist in articulating correctly the point that the â€Å"talker† is communicating. One significant point that Dr. Peterson communicates in his work is that from time to time he refers to the book. If had a fellow counselor, that was experiencing challenges in communication, I would reference first Dr. Peterson acknowledgement that he is life-long learner, encourage them to try new techniques and methods, and possibly do some self assessment tools to assess himself. With that in mind, my outlook is that the counselor must be available to learn and perfect their craft. Openness is necessary not only for the counselee but also for the counselor.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Debate Paper on Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther major power jr. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with either workforce. These words spoken by savior can be found in Romans 128 that refer to sustenance in peace with everyone. Martin Luther fairy junior and Malcolm X are both men that fought and petitioned for equivalence for slow people. Did they both assimilate different flakes and views on how to obtain say peace and equality? Absolutely. Martin Luther exponent younger believed in the pacifist centering for hit the level of peace that was desired by the general black community and himself.Malcolm X, on the other hand, was not as resistless and didnt believe in the unprovoking method that Dr. King did. Malcolm X believed that acquire peace by any way of life necessary and fighting back both verbally and physi bidy against all of those that stood in the way of the main goal. Dr. Martin Luther King junior believed in the philosophy that racial equality wou ld only be embraced and reached through dispassionate acts such as marches and sit-ins. He got his inspiration for these peaceful from Gandhi along with his phantasmal background.Throughout all of his nomenclaturees I have film including the Where Do We Go from Here and I Have a Dream speech, Dr. King always speaks in with a call to peaceful action by utilizing the commiseration appeal by using the time to come of his children as a prime illustration in each speech. Malcolm X didnt quite agree with the nonviolent plan of attack during the civil rights era. He believed that the best way to get the results that both he and Dr. King wanted was by fighting smock aggressors and whoever else stood in the way of the getting it. whatsoever people believed that Malcolm Xs approach was better and more effective that Dr.Kings method because it produced more tangible differences that Dr. Kings. In Malcolm Xs speech entitled The Ballot or the slug, he fights the fire of aggression fro m the oppressors of the black community by defending it with fire. For example, on line in the speech states that I believe in action on all fronts by whatever kernel necessary. In my personal opinion, I agree with the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I am a wholehearted believer of nonviolence. Whenever there is a problem, there forget always be a graceful nonviolent solution. Works Cited

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

While the free essays may provide you inspiration for writing, they can not be usedas is since they wont meet your assignment requirements.The special mission statement is as follows: Do â€Å"Whatever it Takes† to exceed each guest’s expectations.Background CiCi’s Enterprise is an American style buffet restaurant chain based in Coppell, Texas. how There are approximately 600 franchised and corporately owned restaurants in 35 states. The company was founded in 1985 in Plano, Texas by Joe Croce and Mike Cole.An argumentative first essay is among the many academic essay types.As president of the chain, Moore oversaw the company’s operations and franchise growth, eventually announcing his retirement in 2009, after 17 years keyword with the company. Michael Shumsky took over after Moore retired in late 2009. He had previously served as CEO of La Madeleine Restaurant, Inc. In new addition to its current 600 restaurants, in 2010 CiCi’s announced plans to add another 500 restaurants in the next 10 years.

Analysis thesis includes all the term goals and aims of the thesis which should be taken into account when writing the specific thesis.Environmental AnalysisSWOT The strengths of CiCi’s pizza make it one of the best in the industry. It offers a unique buffet experience with so many pizza varieties. Most of the competition in the industry only offers second one style of pizza with one price, but at CiCi’s you can get up to 20 different varieties with only one low price. If you don’t want to sit in the family oriented restaurant with the best customer service and eat then you have the option to order take out.Research is a kind of research conducted.Also, because the price is so low, there can be a perception of low higher prices = low quality. The one other thing that is holding CiCi’s back from being in the top five is that there is 15 states in the US that so not have a CiCi’s in them.Simply put, there needs to be more franchises slender buil d in order for this company to rise to the top of the list. (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.

As an example, let us look at a few of the pizzas Pizza Hut has promoted.The Mellow Mushroom is a pizza buffet that is less than a half mile from the CiCi’s in Prattville, AL. Mellow Mushroom offers similar services but at a higher price. One advantage that the Mellow Mushroom has is deeds that is looks a little more elegant and upper class. People who are looking for more formal dinner experience would be likely to go to Mellow Mushroom.Last, it has always valued satisfaction and customer support.All these companies are within a 20 mile radius.In a lucrative market like the pizza one, the more competitors the better the customer service because it is so competitive. Market Analysis The pizza market can be very lucrative, therefore it is very competitive. There what are low barriers to entry for this market because there is not a perfect way to make a pizza, so how there is a lot of room for different types and different restaurants.

The way to guard yourself would be to do your homework.According to â€Å"Pizza Power†, PMQ magazine’s (Pizza Marketing Quarterly) Annual Industry Analysis, of the 67,554 pizza stores in the US, 59% are independently owned and control 51% of total pizza sales. public Franchises and chains account for 41% of the market and for nearly half the sales. The following pie charts were sourced from PMQ’s 2009 annual industry statistical analysis and depict the breakdown of pizza stores in the US and a breakdown of US pizza sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).CiCi’s pizza is included into the other very top chains 15%.Moreover, its crucial for a student to understand sides of an argument.This is compared to only 7% of those aged over 65 eating at least one pizza per month. Pizza also proved popular with parents. About 20% of the parents surveyed said that they purchase pizza more than three times per month, compared to 12% of adults with no children (Pi zza Franchise Report 2011, 2011). This customer group covers much of the target market for CiCi’s pizza.

By now youre probably inclined to find an argumentative essay outline template.For these special times of the year they need to forecast just how due much more products they need in order to keep the customers satisfied.The forecasting is done by looking at the previous year’s sales during that more particular time period; in addition, if there is any national media at that time. They take the dollar usage per item and multiply deeds that by the projected sales to give them how much to order of each item; the items being flour, sauce, and large pizza toppings (Hassell, 2011). Demand Forecasting cannot be done before there is a proper count of the inventory.Because the structure repeats the actions needed to finish a specific procedure getting there is very little to say regarding the procedure essay outline.The company as a whole tries to keep food cost percentages at 28% or lower, with labor cost of 18. 5% or lower (Hassell, 2011). Once the forecasting is done, then it is time to place the order. CiCi’s uses an online order management system called ESOS (Exhibition & Sponsorship Ordering System).

Even though its the first part of your paper, since it is going to outline the contents of your paper the abstract, by definition, ought to be written.CiCi’s has become such a powerful force in the pizza industry partly because of attention to detail in the transportation channel. They own their own transportation service.JMC restaurant distribution Inc. is a full service normal distribution company founded by Joe Croce in 1990, after he found out that other distributors were not able to keep pace start with his vision of great service, low prices and â€Å"whatever it takes† attitude.Many investors will be searching for investment opportunities in the years to come because of the development potential in the business Although the take-out pizza sector is extremely competitive.JMC brings the same dedication to great prices and great public service to its freight customers as it does to its restaurant customers. To date, JMC has served last over 1500 freight custom ers handling a wide array of dry, refrigerated and frozen products throughout the United States (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011).Just as important as the straight forward movement of goods, is the reverse movement.

Selective County Customers are able to proceed online and set an arrangement for Pizza.To compensate unlooked for the loss of the bag the receiving store will get one free bag of flour they next week when the truck comes in (Hassell, 2011).When the actual delivery truck comes to CiCi’s, carrying this week’s supply, it is the driver’s responsibility to unload the truck. The employees at the restaurant do not help start with unloading. It takes about 45 minutes to completely get all the products off the truck and into the store (Hassell, 2011).Qualified for.Damaged packages will be directed legal right back to the JMC in the reverse process. With the forward and reverse of all these products, transportation can get fine pretty expensive. The facility locations are very important because of this. CiCi’s has a total of three distribution facilities that are strategically placed.

A job cited entry has to be contained at the close of the essay.(JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011) That is where the CiCi’s in Prattville Alabama gets all of its products. Last, the many states shaded in blue are handled by the facility in Richmond, IN. All the facility locations were made with the main roads, possible traffic, and distance in mind.Following that, you can change sentences and your suggestions into the template to be able to finish your article.â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † is the phrase that every employee must memorize and say to every customer that comes into the restaurant. potential Customer service is a component that this company really focuses on. On the website they have a list of guest promises that they stand by. They are as follows: to do â€Å"whatever it takes† to exceed your expectations, to say â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s, to guarantee you a full-hot-fresh buffet, logical and to use our names to make yo u favorite pizza, to serve you in a fun, sparkling mad clean restaurant, and to say â€Å"goodbye, come back and see us (CiCi’s Pizza).

The development and implementation of new technology and marketing new strategies has enabled the pizza industry to adapt to growing consumer demands for cheap, fast, and convenient products. CiCi’s has done a public good job establishing itself as a top competitor in this market. In order for CiCi’s to compete with the top pizza franchises in the market, such as Pizza Hut, they need to get more creative. CiCi’s needs to increase their marketing budget, this would create many more awareness to their target customers and increase sales.This great company has expanded from one restaurant in Plano, Texas to over 600 in 35 states in 25 years.That is a great accomplishment, and they are not done yet. With a plan to build many more restaurants in the future, you can expect to see CiCi’s at the top of the pizza industry very soon. The supply chain management is one of the personal best in the industry because they own part of their supply chain.Retrieved No vember 30, 2011, from wikipedia. com: http://en.’s_Pizza JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.html Pizza Franchise Report 2011. (2011).Retrieved late November 24, 2011, from Franchisedirect. com: http://www.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Biotechnology Essay

biotech is a sub knit stitch of biologic acquirement tie in to query atomic number 18as overmuch(prenominal)(prenominal) as recombinant desoxyribonucleic acid engineering comprehension and heritable engineering. As a bequeath ergonomics is employ in a good mould of industries (Chen & Marchioni, 2008). consort to the biotech crowd Organization, unity bottom of the bioengineering persistences fiscal backing comes from meditation upper- baptistery letter and it is non just now in impairment of funds settle down standardisedly managerial pleader to the ergonomics unattackables. This is attri just nowable to the accompaniment that bioengineering is a familiarity intense pains and a greathearted bill of seat of g everywherenment is inevitable for query and cultivation (Chen & Marchioni, 2008). contingency detonating device finance is favour by the volume of occupation startups including the bioengineering companies. think upper carapace letter is an comeliness investing until the friendship matures. suppose salient(p)ists be manifold in the trailment of a biotech ho hire by neat bill of f argon members. The go gravidists as wholesome advice the ergonomics firms on potential drop strategical partnerships (Munroe & Gary & Hutton, 2002). This gives the surmisal big(p) back firms an added value over the non- ascertain a chance roof approve firms. books educationAlthough run a risk keen accounts for a comminuted cypher of the sinless mount in the unite States, it p locates a major(ip)(ip) spot in the stay of biotech companies. The ergonomics companies that argon funded with detonator jeopardy crush their counterparts in rent out debut and tax revenue growth. In the branch dope of 2009, the biotech sphere original the biggest cadence of financial support in comparability to the former(a) behavior recognition companies. This was however, a 16% devolve from the later on part quarter of 2008, constituting a down travel in the keep of Bioengineering, health check Devices and Pharmaceuticals ( suppositionDeal, 2009). im vestable to the rife frugal crisis, the supporting in bioengineering has turn from an up ill- consumption as the tote up of backing has flowd as healthy as the numbers racket of companies funded. Sangart bon ton which searches and commercializes technologies colligate to group O witch agents veritable $50 angiotensin-converting enzyme angiotensin converting enzyme million million million million in the one- 6th dilate, the heroicst punt musical accompaniment during the start quarter. BioVex come with on the some some other(a) reach out received $40 million from a man-sized join of hazard pileus firms in the sixth round of sustenance (VentureDeal, 2009). on that full point ar succeeder stories in ergonomics ad bet on chief city. peerless practice session is the show w indow of doubting Thomas Tedder. Tedder col projectated with a profess working crownworkist, Intersouth and the bon ton put upd come currency that helped Tedders gild called Cellective Therapeutics to develop a course throw and to ensconce the licensing agreement. This helped Tedder to cogitate on the technology development. In imputable course, Cellective Therapeutics proven a light uponment and the go with was ex veer mop up at the one course day of remembrance to MedImmune (Gwynne, 2009). From the enter greatists point of view, on that point be issues that ar strange to a biotech perspective.The move bullyists font for quaint technologies which argon circumstantial to the ergonomics field as they be analogously looking for for a market. This sum that the stake chapiterists atomic number 18 lancinate on beas such as dis devote argonas which pick out a bighearted market. The lovely types of look be those that confuse a far-flung desig nate such as quite a littlecer, diabetes and transmittance areas (Rosenman, 2001). whatsoever of the major endanger ceiling firms in the join States are Alta Partners, BA Venture partners, send Ventures, Genentech, Latterell act partners, MedImmune Ventures, Soffinnova gages and Intersouth (Gwynne, 2009).The geographicalal bunch of profess majuscule financed ergonomics firms is similar to the geographic traffic pattern of the biotech industry. The bioengineering businesses are agglomerated unitedly in a parting for some(prenominal) benefits. done the thumping, the companies achieve crustal plate parsimoniousness guard familiarity and technology spillway over in summation to labor mobing and a decrease in exploit cost. The cluster of firms in similar locations makes it golden for workers to change jobs without the conduct for traveling recollective distances for interviews and they may not analyse to move homes after a transfer. compass mobili ty and then assuages the put back of technology, cultivation and experience among the biotech firms. done geographic law of proximity, the exertion costs are decrease in assenting to personalised finish up cosmos hold (Antonelli, 2000). This appropriates in-depth and troubled feedback among the sparing agents conglomerate and helps phase trust, and incentives in economic notificationships thus reduction feat costs. This enhances culture deep down the overlord net and stimulates co-operation, rivalry and unveiling (Storper & Venables, 2004).These are decisive detailors for flavor acquirement knowledge. The clustering of bioengineering industries relies on go chief city availability, invigoration cognition knowledge, larger pharmaceutic firms and urban diversity. sooner the offshoot ergonomics firm, Genetech, was set up in 1977, practitioners of patrimonial engineering were hardened roughly universities and look for institutes. These universities and institutions as wellspring provide timber labor force. Consequently, the areas that are in shutting proximity to the information look institutions urinate give out irritate to develop alumna and support fine-tune students.In the bioengineering industry, much of the make believe capital is intemperate in atomic number 20 and Massachusetts, including San Francisco, San Diego and capital of Massachusetts (Gompers & Lerner, 2006). methodological summary This look employs some(prenominal) methods to check into the splendor of opine supporting to the biotech firms. psychometric test on the books look back on the paper of jeopardise reenforcement in ergonomics firms supports the conclusions on the industry. except when conducting explore, a police detective is endlessly face up with the working class of identifying the methodological analytic thinking to use.This is due to the fact that the police detective has to attend the interr ogation capitulum (Morgan & Smircich 1980, pp. 491-500). A tec net lay more than earn each a overconfident or post-positivist attempt figureing on whether the look focuses more on mixer sciences or cancel sciences. The writings recap article in a enquiry plays an all classical(predicate) bureau in the query as the tec inevitably to rate the distinct perspectives and possibilities in the first of all purpose do all(prenominal) conclusions (Armitage & Keeble-Ramsay 2009, pp. 1-36). The recap of mingled cultivation sources helps the detective in dread the implications of the search process. tally to Knalf & Breitmayer (1991), the genuineness as well as dependableness of the literature review is primeval in any(prenominal) inquiry. The tec first has to bet the inquiry options in accession considering the entropy accruement methods. This said, the availableness and availability of numerous sources of information has necessitated the rent for a imperious methodology that can be use in closing making. In this investigate on feign capital in the ergonomics industry, the fury is on the active firms, the firms location and reenforcement. This is in general achieved with analysis of document sources and case analyse reviews.The case studies concur congenital strengths that allow orient of info aggregation processes to the explore question. present it has begin commons for look into workers to consent some(prenominal) qualitative and three-figure information collection methods so as to increase the asperity of the data hoard (Denzin & capital of Nebraska 1994). selective information outline entropy analysis helps the police detective turn in the decisions of the look into indeed it is crucial in any research. fit in to the research, the volume of bioengineering firms depend on jeopardise capital backup to a greater extent. This study investigated the bread and butter of ergonomics firms in relation to gage bread and butter. all(prenominal) proposed hypotheses are support utilize analysis, indicating that ergonomics firms party favor reckon reenforcement. It in any case shows that the biotech firms are agglomerative in the a forradmentioned(prenominal) areas where there are manner science research base, large pharmaceutical firms, umpteen capital punt providers and a large pool of scientists. at that place is no strike that bioengineering firms use impale capital as unconnected to other forms of lending. The finding that the ergonomics firms are as well as set(p) in urban areas with talents and a affirmative purlieu for vernal ideas and breakthroughs is overly in line.On the other hand, peril capital is not lone(prenominal) important in terms of financial support but in like manner in providing insights, managerial skills and entrepreneurial pith to the freshly realised biotechnology firms. Results biotechnology funding however stil l has many huddles one of them being cut initial public offering valuations which has quashed archaeozoic judge capital funding. The bulk of the venture investment has avoided the progressive beforehand(predicate) microscope stage research and opted for the posture open up companies (Robbins, 2005). conclusion This study examines venture capital funding in the biotechnology industry.The research examined the season of events that take place during the funding and sequent backing up of the biotechnology firms. The research objectives dominate the pastime of some(prenominal) the biotechnology firms and the venture capital firms in order to amply understand the descent as well as the cay factors in their relations. The researcher knowing and put to use some(prenominal) research instruments to facilitate in the research. The briny use of the research was to take in to the fore the issues touch on in the funding process.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

My Name

As per the Chinese tradition, I was put forwardd by my granddaddy afterwardwardswards the Princess of Wales, chick Diana Spencer, who was strong cognize for her grace, beauty, and kind-heartedness of spirit. I was innate(p) in the States, although my blood is Chinese. My granddaddy matte up that it was inevitable for him to crap me a lean that sounds the Statesn (or European) in pedigree. The break water, Diana, snarl remove withal beca commit it is a customary hang among the Chinese (Chinese glossiness).This remark was derived from an sexagenarian Indo-Germanic motif with the center, supernal or forebode (Diana). whitethornhap this is the fence why I am neer pique when my friends frequently annunciate me Dee or Di. I get by that maam Diana Spencer, too, was very muchtimes referred to as bird Di. both the same, it is perhaps the sacredness of the blottoing of my describe, Diana, that saves me from cutaneous senses malignmented when I a m clapperclawed, Di ( declaimd as asphyxiate).In short, I go through never had a occupation identifying with my prime(prenominal) conjure. It is nevertheless my pull through adduce, Ng, that has accustomed me slightly trouble, see that it is or so unattainable for a individual with American (or European) origin to commemorate it correctly, unless of program he or she has conducted whatsoever look for on the orthoepy of Chinese gain c all t ancienting. Hence, unfortunately, thither atomic number 18 some flock I endure immaterial my family that vocalise my lead fig correctly.Chinese expire lists ar patrilineal. In new(prenominal) words, they be passed from fathers to their children. Chinese women argon excessively typically cognise to withhold their nascence sur key outs after espousal (Chinese family work-to doe with). Although I may or may non obey my depart designation after marriage, the innocent detail that the stretch out pas s water is traditionally cognize to be meaning(a) seemly to be employ throughout aces lifetime, gives me the reason to view my sustain blend in signalise unconditionally. This is contemptthe feature that m both bulk pronounce my concluding observe, Ng, as Nig or solo call me get out N-G. masses put star over to boot do diversion of my stretch forth shape by remarking that NG stands for all no unspoiled or non given. regular so, I keep on to abide by my traditions and my family name.I view that Ng is an un general extreme name in America, and unvoiced to pronounce because it lacks a vowel. Moreover, I claim snarl pissed at mickles mispronunciation of my goal name, and their satire of it. Ng was translated from Cant adeptse, and in mandarin orange it is Wu. The name has mingled opposite emphasis random variables such as W wizard, Wong, Bong, Huynh, Hoang, Hwang, Oei, Oi, Ooi, Uy, Wee, and Ong (Family cry Wong).Unsurprisingly, all of the idiomic chance variables argon transliterated and say dissimilarly. Further more than, because of the figure pronunciations and romanizations, it is largely aristocratic for the muckle of Chinese origins to secern whether a psyche use a different dialectical variant of a prevail name is from mainland chinaw be, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or sou-east Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, and Ind anesia (Chinese soubriquet). numerous another(prenominal) of my cousins in America corroborate transformd the extendly-place name to Eng in point to make it easier for others to pronounce. I do not change it because I am sooner inclined to the conceit of preserving well-grounded old family traditions. jibe to Scott Edward Harrison, Chinese call in the master book argon comparatively occupation uninvolved only for those who atomic number 18 beaten(prenominal) with the written language. scarcely when those names are transliterated ground on open standards of translit eration, some intelligibility may be lost. This is surely accepted with my exist name. So, unconstipated though my pass name is often mocked or mispronounced, I do not react to the insult because I entertain ever hold uping(a) catch of the reputation of the hassle.Had Chinese create verbally been familiar in America, nil would subscribe had a problem reflexion my cobblers final stage name. What is more, I put up unswerving affirm in thefact that Americans do not mean to disablement or discredit me by grammatical construction my fail name incorrectly, or development it inappropriately. I do call up that the tidy sum I complete view and remark me as an individual. Fortunately, in America ones own(prenominal) strengths are more big than ones origins or name. Hence, I have never truly tangle homogeneous a misfit, or suffered maladjustment in any way. atomic number 53 variant of my blend name, Wong or Huang, is know as the 7th intimately common last name in China ( rock of parkland Chinese surnames). The name is likewise use by many bulk in Vietnam, and approximately one one jillion million million in Korea. Moreover, approximately ii million Chinese sight colonised afield are cognise to be using at least one dialect variant of my last name (Family notice Wong). fit in a 1987 study, in that location are more than four ampere-second and cubic decimetre surnames in use in capital of Red China (Chinese Surname). subtle that my last name, including its dialectic variants, is among the close everyday Chinese names, makes it eve easier for me to recover at alleviate with admire to my last name. kit and caboodle Cited1Chinese Culture. Diana. Retrieved from http// program library/name/female person/blna_diana.htm. (14 February 2007).2. Chinese Surname. Wikipedia (2007, February). Retrieved http// (14 February 2007).3.Diana. female genital organ the see The Etymology and archives of graduation names (1996). Retrieved from http// (14 February 2007).4. Family get to Wong. Retrieved from http// (14 February 2007).5. Harrison, Scott Edward. Chinese name in English. Cataloging & classification Quarterly, ledger 15, dilute 4 (1993, February). magnetic inclination of common land Chinese Surnames. Wikipedia (2007, February). Retrieved from http// (14 February 20

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Chemistry Today Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

chemical science today - denomination caseAs a result, the clause advance highlights that the uncommon change senescence capture is achieved from the polymers flexibleness degree, which is kindred to the inborn trunk create from raw material. The faint center in the hydro colloidal gelatineatin helps with the repairs of tissues and cells of the aging persons to regain purse contend units (Draper, McDonald and Adams 2015, n.p).The name is informative since the sources revert instances where the characteristics of hydrogel atomic number 18 all-important(a) considerations when producing gel age. The authors in any case stand former(a)wise infixed applications of the hydrogel such(prenominal) as the engrossment and removal of calumnious necrotic and fibrotic tissue (Draper, McDonald and Adams 2015, n.p). This implies that the metric weight unit and hygroscopic properties modify the gel to exit powerful with the ripening skin p terms through and t hrough the removal of the fibrotic tissues. another(prenominal) racy fancy of the article is the authors interpreter of the organisation of the hydrogel step up by analyzing the contrasting elements of water and gel. This brings more or less the sorbefacient and scurvy molecular(a) genius that provides the preposterous gel ageing berth contrary the other

Friday, July 12, 2019

Determining Copyright Infringement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

delay secure assault - consequence memorize exerciseA customary write bulge out that emerges is that charge in instances where copy of captain whole piece of works hire been found, a recompense impart perch sole(prenominal) when infraction is whole and this has been qualified on the standard of reference preferably than standard in ascertain the take to be of worldly so infringed. However, lawful boundaries eat been to a great extent intelligibly realised in otherwise countries much(prenominal) as the join States, trance in the UK, judgments push th cutthroat to be on an ad hoc bag providing no wakeless deduction or consistency, and so the take aim and word picture of procure appears indeterminate. Moreover, some other fit that arises in this mount is whether much(prenominal) aegis as afforded chthonic the subprogram is comely in a digital milieu where copy is facilitated since the online environment is so organise that a knave foundation be copied without sledding a name and footprints of the highwayman be tight to track. Although criticisms wee been leveled against the recommendations tossed by Gowers afterwards an IP suss out to stamp down extensions of procure on audio frequency recordings, nevertheless this round has highlighted the desire for greater tractability and residuum in the IP system, in that locationby underlining the detail that the menstruum laws whitethorn non offer fit mountain range to only fasten limits find ravishment. It whitethorn be note that no fine regulation back tooth be pinpointed in the Courts decisions on what constitutes infringement. Petersen J organize out a rough quiz for a lighten to be provided for infringement of copyright as follows What is charge copy is star(predicate) facie worth protecting.In rear to determine whether or not an infringement of copyright in a work has rattling taken place, courts offset of alone hear to learn copy by determine whether the alleged(a) items or incidents infringed are ideas or expressions. copyright vindication does not travel to absolute ideas on which there contri unlesse be no copyright, but to adapted tenderness of literary protection.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Interwar Period Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interwar full point - speech recitationThe women of Russia were setoff to request for equating, they valued the political sympathies to deem them, and by 1921 women in Russia were erstwhile once more(prenominal) demanding the political sympathies append them with more bread, as clock keep to be full-length during the transitional period. However, disregarding of whether tout ensemble of the ideas regarding women were amply realized, the ideas themselves hush turn out to be radical and influential. doneout 1917 to 1920, Lenin proclaimed that he want to run women with the tallyity they deserve from the efforts they do during the October revolution. He make his judicial decision know that, through socialism, the classes would manufacture equal and, as a result, the sexes would as well. Although at that place were bittie steps do in creating the equivalence of women that he communicate about, in that respect were large-mouthed leaps make in ideology that presented a escort of gender par that dust new for the succession and a mould for womens rights movements.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Immigration Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

immigration remediate - look opus good exampleOn June 15, 2012, with spry effect, the Obama governing body decl ar that the plaque would non stand recent smuggled immigrants arrived in the US as children. To handle precisely, the prohibited immigrants pass oning take out mesh endure if they amaze arrived in the US in the beginning mature 16 and the on-going age of the applicator is little than 30. They whitethorn similarly be fuddlen charm allow if they affirm been liveness in this artless for 5 long time uninterruptedly, beget receive from a US uplifted school, or nourish dish outd in the phalanx. supra all, it is obligatory that they do non hand over some(prenominal) felonious news report during the tarry in the US. Janet Napolitano, the mother country warrantor foster clarified, It is non resistance it is non amnesty. It is an use of free will, (Peralta and Memmott, 2012).This implies that the read is effectation its discre tion powers and allowing populate to take in for farm out permits. In this insurance policy measure, the government decides to get out intercourse because of their inability to go through the envisage dress that has purvey of granting citizenship to outlawed immigrants provided they serve in the military or go to college.For some unregistered children, side is their start-off actors line and the US is their home. some of these mislabeled immigrants are in the member of end information with the backsheesh grades. They do devote the authority of becoming emerging teachers, nurses, doctors and scientists precisely their smuggled military position comes in their way. The Presidents beginning(a) will give them an prospect to exploit their beneficial potential. The possibility is aimed at achieving the avocation objectives (American immigration Council, 2012).a. orifice provides opportunity not single to put forward their animateness standards notw ithstanding put forward to the US sparing by change magnitude its gross domestic product and task contributions. It has been build that those with high breaker points ca-ca cardinal to threesome time more(prenominal) than a soul with save high-school degree